Monday, April 15, 2013

Anya the earth avatar chapters 2-7

O.K. I'm Just Gonna post this even if people aren't reading.

Chapter two  School (Zuko's* POV)
“well look who we have here”I said”Miss I'm so perfect because I'm the avatar.” “leave me alone,please”The Avatar said”or will I have to tell the PRINCIPAL about you four.”
(1 fire,1 earth,2 water)”Ooo,I'm so scared,but your going to have to bend to stop me and my friends.” I snickered.
(Anya's POV) “okay then your on.”I shouted well staring to make a fire ball in my hand. Just as I
was about to shoot at Zuko the Principal stepped in and asked what was going on. When the Principal asked that question Zuko of course started acting really humble and scared then pointed a finger at me and said that he had just been standing here talking to his friends when I started attacking him and his friends For no reason at all the principal looked at me and asked me “is this true young lady?”at that question I shouted in his face “Of course it's not true just ask her!” as I pointed to BFF Shantell. Well Shantell is it that statement true? Shantell of course ansered no and tolled him what really happened for that the principal gave Zuko and his friends a week of detention,as Zuko walked away ha shouted over his shoulder your going to pay for this.

Home (Anya's POV)
“How was your day sweetie?”My mom asked “fine mom.” I called back”though I almost got detention again.” “ let me guess,Zuko again.” mom said as I sat down on the couch next to her “yep” I replied "well I've got a ton of home work to do."

Chapter 3 Yay,yay,yay!!!
As I whipped fire around me in my fire bending test I looked over my shoulder and saw Master Bolin,My earth bending teacher,pretending to stroke a beard even though he dosn't have one which is why it was funny,and for a second I started to giggle.when I had my foucus back I saw the guy I was suppost to defeat run at me with a fire ball in his hands. Soon I had defeated him,as soon as he fell to the ground I looked at my fire bending instructor,Sifu Geatso,with expectant eyes"please leave Anya."Sifu(as he tells me to call him)said in his steady tone"We need time to deside if you passed.Come back tomaro and we'll tell you if you passed or not.""RRRRRRRRR"I said to my self as I slouched out of the ring."What did you say Anya?"Sifu asked."Nothing"I lied

The Next Day
When I shut my locker with metal bending of to my next class over the loud speaker the Secretary said"Will miss Anya Beifong come to the office please."

When I walked in to the office I saw Bolin standing there there with a grin on his face"Please tell me you have good news!"I shouted as soon as I saw him."I'm sorry."he said in a pitiful tone."Wait why do you have a grin on your face if your telling me terrible news?"I asked him"I wasn't finished whet Anya.As I was saying,I'm sorry but... you passed!!!"Bolin said."YAY!!!" I shouted at the top of my lungs."You shall be training air bending with Rohan." He said.

Chapter 4 Good-bye  (Shantell's POV)
As I hugged My BFF Good-bye I knew she was very exited to go to the Eastern Air temple to train with Rohan,yet at the same time she was sad that I couldn't come with.
(Anya's POV)
After my last Good-bye hug with Shantell I felt tears starting to run down my face. When Shantell saw me crying she said"well I guess I can cry know if the Great-Granddaughter of Toph Beifong can."At that remark I started hiccuping,really badly. After I was over my hiccuping fit the first thing I said to Shantell was"you could always cry,silly."I said,before slugging her in the arm.
(Zuko's POV)
I don't know why I was sad to see Anya leave maybe it was because I felt like she was the reason that Grandma Korra died even though I Know she isn't. I guess that I feel like am with Grandma when I'm with Anya,and know that I think about it she is kind of cute. Uhg why can't I get Anya out of my head the guys would kill me if they found out that I liked her,but the thought of not seeing Anya for however long it take's for Anya to master air bending is killing me!

Chapter 5 Are we there yet? (Anya's POV)
"Are we there yet,are we there yet,oooo I know this place seems very familiar,are we there yet?"I said quoting Ikki form when she was younger"Ugh I don't think I can wait much longer to see Monk Rohan."Relax honey,and yes we are almost there shouldn't be longer than two days unless we get caught in a storm. For know just enjoy the scenery."she said well gesturing to the pink and orange sunset."No can do I'm going to go and try to connect with Avatar Korra."I replied while running of to my room.(I interrupt. They're on a ship,now back to the story)

5 minutes later
I opened my eyes and thought to myself"This isn't working."just then I happened to see my arms as I threw them up in the air with frustration,they were blue and transparent. I turned around and saw a blue woman there dressed in a blue water tribe dress with her hands on her hips"Avatar Korra?"I asked."yep."The blue woman A.K.A Korra said"So why'd you come to the spirit world?"she asked"I just wanted to see if I could do it and I did!"I pronounced happily."Bye Anya,my Grandson's trying to connect with me."Korra said."wait who's your Grandson ?"I asked her"Zuko."she said and dissipered

(Zuko's POV)
"Why isn't this working?"I kept saying to myself"Hello Zuko."I looked up and saw a blue woman that looked exatily like Gran-Gran"Gran-Gran?"I asked the blue woman."Yes Zuko."Gran-Gran reaplied"oh it's so good to see you.wait does this mean i'm d-d-dead?"I asked."No Zuko."Gran-Gran said laughing"This is the spirit world.You can come here any time you want to talk to me-""what about mom and dad.Can I talk to themin the spirit world?""yes Zuko you can.I was about to tell you that when you interupted."When she said that I grined sheapeshly "You reamind me of myself when I was your age.Bye Zuko I have to go."Gran-Gran said and with that she dissipered.
I opened my eye's and wisperd to myself "Bye Gran-Gran"and smiled for the first time in years exept for bullying Anya.

Chapter 7 Air slump(Anya's POV)
"Man,These cloths are tight."I said as I pulled on my yellow pants,yellow shirt,dark orange armings,a dark orange shawl that was connected only at the top,and finally my dark orange cotton boots that came up half way in between my ankles and knees.(In air nomad cloths Anya looks like a cross between Toph and Jinora with longer hair and no bun)
"I know but when you were these cloths for thirteen years and nothing else except for special occasions you get used to them."Yangchen said
"What do they look like?"
"What do what look like?"
"Sorry I meant your cloths what do they look like?"
"Oh,here's what they look like."Yangchen said pulling out a dress,a pair of shoes,and a bun net. The dress came down to what looked like in between Yangchen's ankles and knees and was a bit darker than sherbert orange with royal blue edging on the bottom,the ¾ sleeves,and the neck line,also the dress had a royal blue sash that was royal blue like the edging. The shoes were ballet flats in the same color as the dress and had a small blue flower with a orange gem stone in the center of the flower. The bun net was the same color as the dress and shoes with blue flowers scattered every so often.
"Wow,that's pretty."I thought to myself.
"Come on Anya,were going to be late for your air bending practice if we don't don't hurry. Um,Earth to Anya."Yangchen said waving her hand in front of my my face.
"Sorry,I zoned out. What were you saying?"
"I was saying that we have to hurry or were going to be late for your air bending practice. Lets go!"
"Okay,okay I'm coming."I said laughing

At Air bending Practice

"Why can't I do it!"I yelled frustrated.
"Don'tgetfrustratedAnya,ittookKorraawhiletoairbend."Anika said in one breath except to take a breath.
"I know Ik, Anika,but I know that when I air bend I'll be one step closer to mastering air bending and one step closer to being a full avatar not a half beet avatar in training."
"Oh Anya don't think of your self that way your a great avatar."Yangchen said.
"No I'm not,I'm not a great avatar! Aang was a master air bender,a master water bender,almost a master earth bender,and a fire bender by the time he was twelve! Korra was a master in all the elements by the time she was twenty! And here I am sixteen and I've just started learning air bending my third element!"I shouted angerly while trying to keep myself from going in to the avatar state.In a little while the erge was just to strong and I felt myself lose feelings,I didn't feel any more pain,anger,or sadness just power. Soon every thing was near destruction ,I started to make an ENORMUS bolder to soot at a building and at that moment I saw avatar Korra sitting on Naga."Get on,it's time I tell you."
"Tell me what?"
"The truth."
After I had gotten on Naga Korra started to talk"Anya,there's something VERY important I have to tell you. If you were to be killed in the avatar state you avatar cycle would be broken,you would be the last avatar. Be careful Anya."Just then I saw myself shoot a ball of fire at Yangchen"NO!"I shouted running towards Yangchen.
"Don't worry Anya,Yangchen will be okay. And your a spirit the fire would just go right through you."
(Yangchen's POV)
When Anya shot the ball of fire towards me I screamed but for some odd reason instead of running out of the way I stood there rooted to the ground in one stance. The ball of fire kept coming closer and closer until it was five feet away from me...Dun,dun,dun  Cliffhanger!!!Fun for the writer TERRIBLE for the reader :)

<3's  Grace 

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